

proc assembleMatrix[M, N, D](f: proc (x: Vector[D]; J: Matrix[D, D]): Matrix[M,
    N]; mesh: Mesh): SparseMatrix
Assemble element matrices into global matrix. The element matrices are the result of integrating f over the elemnt.   Source Edit
proc assembleVector[N, D](f: proc (x: Vector[D]; J: Matrix[D, D]): Vector[N];
                          mesh: Mesh): DynamicVector
Assemble element vectors into global vector. The element matrices are the result of integrating f over the elemnt.   Source Edit
proc applyBC(f: var DynamicVector; mesh: Mesh; bc: proc (x: Vector[2]): float)
Apply the boundary condition bc to the global vector f at all boundary nodes.   Source Edit